Dec 282013

Article by Alessio bash, first published on his blog

Many security policies require you to change the port number of the SSH service to ensure greater security in a Linux system. Situation now used throughout the IT world and used mostly by users who have their own private server. Today I want to show you how to add another security layer without having to change the SSH port. To do this we’ll incorporate the famous Google Authenticator to our ssh service, in this way we’ll have a safe, two steps security, by entering our password and the combination given from the GA application. Let’s see how to do this… Continue reading »

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Jan 272011

tux-rhYesterday I followed the online event Virtual Experience, presented by Red Hat.

The event was presented in 4 main areas :Red Hat Enterprise 6, Cloud Computing, Virtualization and Jboss, for an idea of the sessions available take a look here.

I followed some of the sessions and from what I saw I had the impression that Cloud is the key word (or fashion) that is often repeated even in talks about  other  topics,  RH  surely   is betting a lot there, but  we are still in the early phases and there are enabling technologies, but the solutions must be built ad hoc on your infrastructure.

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