Dec 122013

The sysadvent blog it’s up and running again. In this period of the year you’ll find there 1 great post every day, so keep it in your bookmarks !

This was written by Michael Stahnke last year, but it’s till good to me.

It’s happened. The DevOps term has been picked up by everybody and their brother. From analysts, to marketing firms, to recruiters, the term is everywhere. Beyond it being a very loud echo chamber, it sparks debate. I see tweets and complaints all over the blogosphere about how hiring a ‘DevOps’ team, or being a ‘DevOps’ isn’t the proper adoption of this methodology. That may be true, but arguing about it seems to only be a net-loss from the collective brain-power reading and responding to said internet ramblings rather than solving difficult systems problems.

The push has been largely around culture. DevOps is culture. I’ll agree with that, but it’s not just being rockstar-ninja-superheros operating at web-scale.

I’ll pick up my story in 2007. I had just moved to a new state, new team, new role as a system administrator (mostly doing Unix/Linux). This move was at the exact same company I had worked at since 2002. This move wasn’t a promotion. The Unix team, a seven person team, had had five amazing system admins quit in span of about 60 days. On paper, me taking this job sounded like a horrible idea, so why was it interesting to me? Unlike the rest of $Company, this business unit did things a little bit differently. For some reason, they purchased hardware not on the approved list. They let you run Linux on your desktop. However, the thing that was most interesting to me was the software stack: they ran on Open Source. The most profitable business unit in $Company ran huge amounts of open source software! It was awesome. Rather than drowning in Tivoli, HP, CA and BMC system tools, they had tooling set up with nagios, irc, subversion, cfengine, trac and copious amounts of perl.

This spoke a bit about the culture of the business unit IT department.

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Dec 092013

This is my vim configuration to work with Git + Puppet manifests, mostly it’s based on some good articles about this that I found online:

  1. Using vim and Debian to do puppet development
  2. Puppet editing like a pro
  3. Using Vim to edit Puppet code

Using this repository you’ll enable the following plugins:

  • pathogen Makes it super easy to install plugins and runtime files in their own private directories.
  • snipmate.vim snipMate.vim aims to be an unobtrusive, concise vim script that implements some of TextMate’s snippets features in Vim.
  • syntastic Syntastic is a syntax checking plugin that runs files through external syntax checkers and displays any resulting errors to the user. This can be done on demand, or automatically as files are saved. If syntax errors are detected, the user is notified and is happy because they didn’t have to compile their code or execute their script to find them.
  • tabular Sometimes, it’s useful to line up text. Naturally, it’s nicer to have the computer do this for you, since aligning things by hand quickly becomes unpleasant.
  • vim-puppet Make vim more Puppet friendly!
  • vim-fugitive Provides an amazingly deep Git integration for vim.

Also you’ll find a snippets directory with a custom list of snippet for Puppet.

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Dec 032013

While I was looking some video related to Linux I’ve found this video of gotbletu an user that I follow on Youtube, related to a small player to listen music directly from the terminal: pms AKA Poor Man’s Spotify.

I like lightweight clients, and so I’ve gave it a try, these are the results.
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Dec 022013

vagrantIf you work in IT it’s pretty normal in these days to have a computer with at least 4GB of RAM and if you have bought it in the last year probably it has 8GB, this is fantastic to run modern applications that usually require much more RAM than in the past, but this make the use of Virtual Machine on personal computer much more easy and doable.

This open some interesting options in the development cycle of any application or service as now it’s possible to have a development/test machine on every personal computer, as system administrator I’d like that these VM should be as much similar as possible to the production environment, so what’s a good way to manage and distribute Virtual Machines to the developers ?

For what I’ve found around the best answer at the moment it’s: Vagrant.
In this first part I’ll cover the theorical aspect of Vagrant and in the next one I’ll show you some basic command to setup a running environment with it.

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Nov 292013

Screencloud is an app that allows you to capture screen under Linux , Mac or Windows and automatically upload the screenshot to an FTP/SFTP server of your choice or a provider in the cloud such as Dropbox, Ubuntu One, Imgur or a cloud service proposed by Screencloud themselves.

Once the file is sent, your clipboard will contain the link to the image.
This could be a good way to quickly share a screen capture without having to do the multiple steps (take/save/change it/upload somewhere/copy the url) that usually you should do to share a simple image.

The software is released under GPL-2.0 and the sources are on github.

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