Aug 082012

Today I want to share with you some of my favorite features of bash, I called them hidden because I’ve discovered that a lot of people don’t know or don’t use them, but to be honest they are not so hidden after all, they are in the man page of bash, but how many of us have read it all ?

1) xkcdcom-149-2

Thanks to for this explanation.
In short this is useful when you need root access for a command and you forget to use sudo.
The parameter “!!” is substituted with the last run command.

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Aug 042012

On my desktop I use Xubuntu 12.04, and today i noticed that this distribution shipped by default the Zeitgeist daemon, a thing that I’m not using at all, for what i know.

From Wikipedia:

Zeitgeist is a service which logs the users’s activities and events, anywhere from files opened to websites visited and conversations. It makes this information readily available for other applications to use in form of timelines and statistics. It is able to establish relationships between items based on similarity and usage patterns by applying data association algorithms such as “Winepi” and “A Priori”

Zeitgeist is the main engine and logic behind GNOME Activity Journal which is currently seen to become one of the main means of viewing and managing activities in GNOME version 3.0

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Aug 032012

In the past I’ve made a roundup of microblogging client for Linux, but this one is so new that i did not talked about it.

Turses is a fork of a similar project Tyrs, the goal of both projects is to provide a twitter client on the terminal with the help of ncurses library, so why fork ? The fork has been initiated by Alejandro Gómez a few months ago after writing some patches for Tyrs, to be correct he did a lot of changes in Tyrs, my opinion is that Alejandro did so many changes that he wants to start his own project.
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Jul 302012

This article is based on a list found on

Today I’ll present you 5 Linux distribution focused on computer security, in this list I’ve not put 2 distro I’ve already talked about: Backtrack and Damn Vulnerable Linux.

The 5 Linux distribution are: DEFT (Digital Evidence & Forensic Toolkit), QubesOs, Pentoo, Lightweight Portable Security and CAINE.
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Jul 282012

The readers of my site will probably know that I’m a fan of the “Humble Indie Bundle“, which is an initiative that sells for a specified time (usually 14 days) a collection (bundle) of games or music for a price determined by the purchaser. In the past I have done several reviews of the games offered and purchased 3 Bundle, so today I’m happy to introduce a small variation on the theme: a music bundle, please welcome the Humble Music Bundle!

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