Nov 122011

Frank Harris-Smith

Just over a year ago the open source Office Suite world was disturbed by indecision, much the same way world stock markets have been upset by uncertainty today. Oracle had purchased Sun Microsystems and with it the “ownership” of the open source office suite

Being unsure of what Oracle would do with a number of the key developers at left and formed the Document Foundation. They named their fork of the code “LibreOffice”. “Libre” meaning “little or no restriction.”
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Nov 122011

Dear readers, in these days I’ve worked “under the hood” on the website, and hopefully this will improve your experience on

The first thing that you have probably already noticed it’s that now the site uses more width on the screen, I’ve made some changes on the theme and now it should use a variable width of your screen (98% to be exact) with some exception for resolutions above 1600 and resolutions below 800, that use these 2 values as limit.

But that’s not all, I’ve tweaked the site with 2 WordPress plugins: W3 Total cache and WPtouch, let’s see in details how this has changed the site.

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Nov 102011

I’ve recently discovered another useful package  for GNU/Linux, Littleutils.

The littleutils include a duplicate file finder (repeats), image optimizers (opt-jpg opt-png opt-gif recomp-jpg), file rename tools (lowercase uppercase), archive recompressors (to-bzip to-7zip to-lzma), a tempfile utility (tempname), all are small programs that do just 1 thing, in a perfect Unix style, so don’t expect anything too complex but these small gems can save you some time to do specific jobs.

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Nov 092011

It can be really useful to have the latest ISO of your favorite distributions or, in general, other software or material freely downloadable with torrents. It would be nice, however, that these torrent were downloaded at times when the bandwidth it’s not needed to do your normal activities and maybe not from your main PC, but from a small Linux box dedicated to this … well you can easily achieve it.

Prerequisites : an old PC or notebook, the only real requisite is that it can go into your LAN, via ethernet or wifi, and either a good internal disk, or an USB disk that you can connect to it, or an available network disk
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Nov 082011

I received two emails, from two project managers of open source projects that I’m following, both gave me the good news of an update of the product and so i’m glad to present you in this post the update of two excellent software which I have already spoken Xplico and Ububox SalentOS
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