Oct 182011

I’ve finally terminated my upgrade to Xubuntu 11.10, with the usual small problems, nothing really too bad.
But now, when i boot I don’t see anymore the “Windows” entry in the boot menu made with grub2, I’ve installed os-prober that should help in will find additional entries on the hard disks and add them to the menu, but this don’t solved too my problem.

As alternative you could have your windows Entry in place, but when selecting it, you get an error like:

  • you need to load kernel first
  • chainloader: no such command.
  • no such partition
So this is a small guide to restore your Windows entry in your Grub2 system.

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Oct 152011

This is an article of mine, already published on wazi

Do you have problems serving more than two pages per second on your WordPress or Drupal blog? Do the sites of your competitors serve pages faster than yours? Their secret weapon may be a different web server and PHP combo than Apache and mod_php. But don’t worry – you can turn to one of these alternative solutions too, and improve your web server throughput without upgrading your hardware resources.

First, some background. In general an HTTP or web server sends browser clients a requested page, usually in HTML code, or a page dynamically created with a language such as PHP, one of the most common programming languages for web pages. The PHP scripting language resembles JavaScript, Java, and Perl, all of which share a common ancestor, the C programming language. If you need to embed dynamic text, such as the result of queries on databases, into static text, you’ll find PHP extremely useful.

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Oct 142011

Most of the content come from the article by Diego Stamigni, first published on his site

If you have a server, you probably would like to continually be updated on what the system logs records; a very useful tool that I discover is Logcheck: it works very well, and I’m very greatful with the developers.

I use it to have various email about the logs between a range of time like [3 hours].
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Oct 142011

nginxToday i’ve spent a lot of time (probably too much) to understand how to modify extensions, inside an url, with the rewrite of Nginx.

Mi goal was call the url http://mysite.com/miofile.html and serve http://mysite.com/miofile with Nginx, which is actually a php script and not a real html..
To make things more difficult a url with a .html can also specify an existing file and real html file.

Finally i’ve got everything sorted out correctly, so with this post i hope to help someone else in the future to save some time.
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Oct 132011

squidIn former articles i’ve talked about Tor and SSH to browse the net in a more secure (or at leat anonymous) way.
But sometimes it’s easier to do the configuration just one time on a server and setup a proxy there, and than use it as proxy for all your computers, or perhaps all your office or friends computers.

And with VPS this is a cheap way to browse the net starting from another part of the world.

So in this article we’ll see how to do a basic setup of Squid.

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