May 242011

full-desktop-ss-gnomeToday has been released Fedora 15 (codename Lovelock); it’s some time i don’t use Fedora as Desktop, i think to have switched distribution around Fedora 2 or 3, from that time I’ve become a Fan of Gentoo or all .deb distributions, but I’ve read wonderful review of the last 2/3 Fedora and so, why don’t test this.

I’ve downloaded the default Desktop release that is a Gnome 3 release, but Fedora is also available with KDE, XFCE and LXDE.
You can download your favourite flavour here

Please note, if you want to test it (Gnome 3 release) on a Virtual Machine or old computer the minimum memory you need to install is 640 MB otherwise Fedora will refuse to install (i noticed it on the first run on a VM with 512 MB).


Once booted the live CD, test it a bit and if you want to install go to Applications -> System Tools -> Install to hd.
The installer is pretty easier to follow, just the usual things, language, time zone and disks.

In the disk partition the option “Use all space” set up a dedicated boot partition in ext4 all the remaining space is dedicated to a partition with LVM, where it builds a logical volume for Swap and another for / (file system ext4)

Once chosen your disks setup you’ll be asked about MBR setup and than the installer will start to format disks and install packages.

Note: if you are used to ubuntu here there is also root password 😉

First Boot

After the first boot you’ll have the same desktop saw in the live CD, but now you can install more software or start to use your browser, setup the email and so on.

This is the first time i use Gnome 3 so this has been also a good opportunity to make some test with this Desktop Environment, and after a first run i must say that at first glance i like it (for sure more than Unity).
Out of curiosity i’ve gave also a system update and found that there are already 60 packages to be updated.

But let’s see what selection of packages have been included in this distribution.


Packages Available

This is a list of the main packages available in Fedora 15:

Desktop Environment : Gnome 3 or KDE 4.6 or XFCE 4.8 or LXDE, depending of which one you choose during the download.

Office : Libreoffice is now the standard office suite, goodbye OpenOffice.

Browser : Mozilla 4 it’s the standard Browser in Fedora 15.

Instant Messaging : Telepathy 3.0.1

From the release notes:

Better power management : Fedora 15 includes a redesigned and better version of powertop and newer versions of tuned and pm-utils for better power management. The tuned package contains a daemon that tunes system settings dynamically to balance between power consumption and performance.

Btrfs filesystem: Btrfs, the next generation filesystem is being developed with upstream participation of Red Hat developers, Oracle and many others. Btrfs is now available as a menu item in the installer (only for non-live images. live images support just Ext4) and does not require passing a special option to the installer as in the previous releases. Btrfs availability has moved up a notch as a incremental step towards the goal of Btrfs as the default filesystemin the next release of Fedora.

Systemd system and session manager : systemd is a system and session manager for Linux, compatible with SysV and LSB init scripts. systemd provides aggressive parallelization capabilities, uses socket and D-Bus activation for starting services, offers on-demand starting of daemons, keeps track of processes using Linux cgroups, supports snapshotting and restoring of the system state, maintains mount and automount points and implements a powerful transactional dependency-based service control logic.

Dynamic firewall Dynamic firewall makes it possible to change firewall settings without the need to restart the firewall and makes persistent connections possible. This is for example very useful for services, that need to add additional firewall rules including virtualization (libvirtd) and VPN(openvpn).


Fedora is one of the “old” Desktop distribution and over time has gained a lot of respect as one of the best Desktop Distribution.
Perhaps it’s a bit less user friendly, compared to the last release of Ubuntu ?
I don’t know, in my small test run (around 4 hours) I find it complete and usable, of course it’s in the long run that you notice the small glitch that every distribution has.

So for the moment I can say that this is the best Distribution for Desktop with Gnome 3 included and supported by default that I’ve tested, and that if you want to use Gnome 3, Fedora is probably your best choice at the moment.

I think that this distribution will make happy some of Gnome addicted Ubuntu users that don’t want to switch to Unity.


Fedora 15 announcement
Fedora 15 Documentation

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  3 Responses to “Fedora 15 with Gnome 3 – At first glance”

  1. GNOME 3 just doesn’t cut it for me, almost as bad as Unity. I just switched to KDE spin this time and I’m extremely happy with it, the progress in KDE has really been huge since the last version I’ve used (4.3)

  2. I too rather like Fedora but I do wish it would have Samba installed by default. I know it’s easy enough to install later but when setting Fedora up for people it is annoying to have to get Samba each time as almost every person I set it up for needs that configuration. BTW I’d say the same about openSUSE. I suppose I could always spin off a remix with Samba but again even that is an unnecessary step if it were there by default.

  3. […] Instant Messaging(即時訊息軟體) : Telepathy 3.0.1 . 版本釋出注意事項: 更優異的電源管理:Fedora 15 重新設計擁有更好的 powertop 版本,以及新版的 tuned 與 pm-utils(電源管理套件),可達到更佳的電源管理。tuned 套件含括了可以調整系統設定,動態平衡電力消耗與執行效能的 daemon。 . Btrfs檔案系統:Btrfs 是由 Red Hat、Oracle 等單位的開發人員共同參與開發的下一代檔案系統。現在在安裝程式裡,Btrfs 已經是選單裡的可用選項 (只有非 live image 可用,因為 Live images 只支援 ext4 的檔案系統),而就算在先前釋出的版本裡,它也不需要再傳遞任何特殊選項才能使用。Btrfs 的可用性一直在增強,目標是要能成為 Fedora 下一版釋出的預設檔案系統。 . 系統與session管理程式systemd:systemd 是 Linux 的系統與 session 管理程式,相容於 SysV 與 LSB 的 init scripts 【譯註:系統起始用的scripts】。systemd提供主動評比功能、使用socket與 D-Bus活化的方式啟動服務、提供請求式的 daemon 啟動服務、持續追蹤使用 Linux cgroups 程序、支援系統狀態的即時快照與回復、維護掛載與自動掛載的節點,以及實作功能強大的從屬性服務(dependency-based service)控制邏輯之任務處理。 . 動態防火牆:動態防火牆可以在無須重啟防火牆的條件下變更防火牆設定,建立固定連結。這對某些服務來說是相當好用的,例如當它需要另外的防火牆規則,含括虛擬化(libvirtd)與VPN(openvpn)時,這樣的功能就派上用場了。 . 結論: Fedora也算是老字號的桌面環境分支套件了,長久以來提到優質桌面環境套件時它一直是其一,也得到相當多的關注。 或許它的使用者友善度,比起最近釋出的Ubuntu比較不夠 ? 我不曉得,在我的小小測試裡 (大概四個鐘頭),我覺得它相當完整,而且用起來很方便,當然用久了你可能會發現它有些小毛病 – 就像你在每個分支套件裡會遇到的那樣。 . 直至此時此刻,我都必須說,就測試過的項目來看,這是使用 Gnome 3 且預設支援的桌面環境分支套件裡最優的一套,如果你想用 Gnome 3,Fedora 應是你此時最好的選擇。 . 我想這個分支套件會讓許多愛用 Gnome 的 Ubuntu 使用者不想換到 Unity了。 . Fedora 15 文件 . 原文出處: Fedora 15 with Gnome 3 – At first glance […]

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