Mar 012014

logoMPD, short for Music Player Daemon, is a flexible, powerful, server-side application for playing music. Through plugins and libraries it can play a variety of sound files while being controlled by its network protocol.

It is also used for one of the two purposes, as local daemon or as network daemon. MPD don’t use many resources. It is designed to make its job in background playing music from its database.

For connecting with MPD and managing music there are many options and clients. CLI clients, GTK clients, Qt clients and even from VI.
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May 252012

Do you write HTML, PHP, Java or some other code ? You probably don’t want to spend hundreds of dollars for software that you would use maybe only as a hobby? Today, I present an amazing solution, a multi-platform software that can wins ten to zero with the most popular programming editor on the market! Today I talk about Bluefish!

Developed in C/GTK+ is a software that can be used on all the major operating systems. You can use it, in fact, on Linux, Windows, Solaris and Mac
It’s available in 10 ​​of the most important languages this software is a mix between a simple text editor and a very complete IDE. It’s a very intuitive software, thanks to some really interesting features and makes writing code a very relaxing, and not chaotic, experience .
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Jan 312012

Miro, a new application for Internet video has been designed to be an easy app that will give users an amazing full-screen show. With over thousands of free videos that can be viewed from the Internet, Miro gives the user the ability to download all the chosen videos they enjoy as soon as they are released.

Miro, first launched in 2005 then revamped in 2007 (it was first launched as Democracy Player), is written in Python. Miro has an embedded WebKit for Linux and(Mozilla Gecko/XUL until 3.0.2). With the updated version of 3.0, Miro offers GTK for new Windows and Linux systems.

Samples? Yes Please!

Unlike some media sharing programs, Miro has a function that allows the user to preview shows and music, before downloading or making a final purchase. By having this special feature, Miro can save Internet browsers time, effort, and computer space.

Upon downloading, Miro sorts all music and videos by genre, popularity, age, language, and rating. A good tool for keeping files sorted without having to manual do all of the work.
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