May 192015

While there are many music players out there, most of them require you to purchase the music and add it to your own playlist. This can amass quite a lot of work, especially if you have large collections of music, and because of that using an alternative such as Atraci is truly recommended.

What is Atraci?

Simply put, Atraci is a music player that streams music from YouTube. The idea isn’t new, with other apps such as MusicTube providing a similar set of features, but what Atraci does is that it allows you to access the current top tracks you can find on the market right after entering the app.

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Apr 072013

On many occasions, you might want to resize a PDF to send it by Email or put it on the web, today I had more than 50MB of PDF to be put as attachment of an article, and that was really too much. Using Linux you just need the program ghostscript to do everything and with a few commands you’ll have your resized documents.

For example my 50MB of documents become 15MB once I resized the PDF keeping a good quality, much better,

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