Jul 012011

terminalAuthor: Kurt Hartman Jr

First off, let me say that I am not one of those terminal loving Linux fans. I think it is cool and all, but I tend to save the command line for things that either require doing a massive batch job, or when I need to do something really specific.

Other than that, I stick to the Gnome GUI, and work within the parameters that various menus offer me. That works for 99% of what I need done.
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Oct 022010

linux hardwareOn linux there are some simple commands that allow you to see what the OS is seeing (that does not always correspond with the hardware in the machine). Today we will see some of these useful commands that allow you to check the proper recognition of all our devices.

lspci – lsusb – lshw


lspci is a utility for displaying information about PCI buses in the system and devices connected to them.

By default, it shows a brief list of devices. Use the options described below to request either a more verbose output or output intended for parsing by other programs.

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