Now there is an official date for the release of Debian 7 “Wheezy”: it will be between 4 and May 5. Neil McGovern, on behalf of the project development team has officially communicated this on the Debian mailing list.
We now have a target date of the weekend of 4th/5th May for the release. We have checked with core teams, and this seems to be acceptable for
everyone. This means we are able to begin the final preparations for a release of Debian 7.0 – “Wheezy”.
Date will change only if a critical problem arise in the while.
Finally, if nothing goes wrong, the new release of the “mother” distribution of many others, will debut 27 months after its predecessor, Debian 6 “Squeeze” launched in February 2011. Time in which a lot has happened in the world of technology and that of GNU/Linux.
Debian is characterized by long development cycles whose goal is stability , the “new” Debian Stable is made by freezing the testing release for a few months where bugs are fixed to make the distribution as stable as possible; then the resulting system is released as stable, last freezing has been in August 2012 and from that date the team has worked to solve all open bugs and not to include new packages.
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