Jun 042011

tux-terminalSometimes is useful to run over and over again the same command until something happen, for example you could do a ls -lrt until a file has reached a certain dimension or is created, how to do it ?
Sure you can use bash history and use up arrow and return over and over again, or perhaps write some line of bash to get an infinite loop that run the same command, but there is a smarter approach to this : watch .
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May 312011

tux 3.0Linus Torvalds has announced to the world that the next Kernel release will be the 3.0:

From Linus Torvalds <>
Date Sun, 29 May 2011 18:30:32 -0700
Subject Linux 3.0-rc1
Yay! Let the bikeshed painting discussions about version numbering begin (or at least re-start).

I decided to just bite the bullet, and call the next version 3.0. It will get released close enough to the 20-year mark, which is excuse
enough for me, although honestly, the real reason is just that I can no longe rcomfortably count as high as 40

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May 242011

terminator I’ve found this terminal while testing Crunchbang, Terminator is CrunchBang’s default terminal. Its based on Gnome terminal, its best feature is it’s ability to show multiple terminals on one screen, but it also uses tabs aswell.

It is inspired by programs such as gnome-multi-term, quadkonsole, etc. in that the main focus is arranging terminals in grids (tabs is the most common default method).

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May 202011

blueNow, to tell the true this is a semi useful project, the most important aspect it’s the cool factor that it bring. You move away from your PC and it lock, turn off the screen and put in pause your Media player. Than you come back and everything starts again automatically. Cool ? it’s BlueProximity.
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