Apr 282013

Recently I’ve posted an article about the Windows manager and desktop environments that use less resources on Linux and thanks to a comment of Sebastian I’ve discovered Livarp, a lightweight GNU/Linux Distro.

Livarp is a DEBIAN-based distro that tries to take the best part of available Debian GNU/Linux applications without loosing accessibility or design, special attention was paid to the documentation that in a simple page collects all the most important information you need to know on the available software of this distribution and how to configure it.

And if this is not enough you can also visit the the irc freenode chan #livarp, where you can get more help for the installation/configuration.

Livarp can run on a PIII with 128M ram but is better with a PIV and 512M ram, higher configurations are just a bonus.

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Apr 252013


Nightingale is an audio player with a beautiful interface with a wide range of supported audio formats, all with multi-platform support. Being the fork of Songbird, it offers the user a lot of cool features like the ability to play MP3, AAC, Ogg Vorbis, FLAC, WMA etc formats, Mp3 download feature, Last.fm integration and much more.

Nightingale’s engine is based on the Mozilla XULRunner with libraries such as the GStreamer media framework and libtag providing media tagging and playback support, amongst others. Since official support for Linux was dropped by Songbird in April, 2010, Linux-using members of the Songbird community diverged and created the project. Contrary to Songbird, which is primarily licensed under the GPLv2 but includes artwork that is not freely distributable, Nightingale is entirely free software, licensed under the GPLv2, with portions under the MPL and BSD licenses.
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Apr 202013

This is the translation of an article by Roberto Ferramosca, published in Italian on lffl.org, a great Italian Blog about Linux and Open source.

One of the main features of Linux is to provide a complete and functional operating system that can completely work also on dated PC where Windows XP has now become too old and the new Windows 7 requires too many resources.
Linux can revive pc set aside because the hardware is no longer supported by Microsoft operating system and so providing a fast, complete and secure environment.
On GNU/Linux there are many desktop environments some specially designed to be lightweight but at the same time they offer customization, effects etc..
In this article we will see some of the “light” desktop environments for Linux, the consumption of resources required and how to install them.
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Apr 122013

Article by Dan Nanni first published on xmodulo.com

As a system administrator, Linux security technician or system auditor, your responsibility can involve any combination of these: software patch management, malware scanning, file integrity checks, security audit, configuration error checking, etc. If there is an automatic vulnerability scanning tool, it can save you a lot of time checking up on common security issues.

One such vulnerability scanner on Linux is lynis. This tool is actually supported on multiple platforms including CentOS, Debian, Fedora, FreeBSD, Mac OS and Ubuntu.

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Apr 122013

252px-Atom_zombie_smasher_coverAtom Zombie Smasher is a real-time strategy game developed by independent developer Blendo Games. In it, the player attempts to rescue as many citizens as possible from an oncoming zombie horde using helicopter rescue units and an array of military units to protect the citizens and defeat the zombies.

This is a game released on 2011 and I’ve talked about it in my article 5 zombies games on Linux so why talking about it as news ?

Because it’s this week star at the Humble Weekly Sale

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