Sep 182012

Today i was writing a bash script that should manage some input arguments, and so i studied getopt, this is a convenient and elegant way to manage input parameters in a bash script. With it you can define switch (present or not) or parameters with an option, thus making your simple bash script much more professional.

Let’s see how to use this command and its options.

Please note that on Linux there are two different ways of parsing command line arguments. There is an utility called getopt (man 1 getopt). This utility is available in all shells. Then in bash, there is another built-in tool for parsing arguments called getopts (it’s a built-in, so it doesn’t have it’s own man-page — try help getopts). In this article I’ll talk of the first one, after some problems with script not working in dash i prefer to use external small programs rather than bash built-in commands.

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Sep 152012

Techies and gamers seem to always be faced an unfortunate lack of video games available for the Linux operating system. While many techie gamers would prefer to move to a cleaner, leaner Linux environment, the Microsoft world it seems has held the monopoly when it comes to supporting great computer games. While Apple has made great strides toward supporting a wider variety of games, Linux clearly trails behind the big commercial operating systems in game support.

To help alleviate this unfortunate situation Linux aficionados find themselves in, here is a list of the top ten Linux games released or updated in 2012

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Sep 122012

Vi is an old screen-oriented text editor , the first release of this software is dated back in 1976, originally created for the Unix operating system.
What I like of vi is that I can find it in any Linux and Unix system I’ve to work, so once I learnt how to use it I’ve used it everywhere, but there is small problem the software is user-friendly as could be a software wrote in 1976, so many new users find really hard to understand the shortcuts and so after some small test they decide that the software is too hard and return to some graphical editor like gedit, leafpad or perhaps libreoffice.

With this article I want to give some useful information for people who have never used Vi.

Note: in general I use Vim (V IMproved) on all my systems, so I’m sure that all the following tips work with this software, if you use the classic VI some of the tips could not work.
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Sep 082012

In the IT shops have long proliferated intense religious wars between popular technologies. From the programmer’s perspective, debates over Java versus .Net or PHP versus ASP have caused many high profile feuds. Similarly in the system administrator space, Windows versus Linux or UNIX, and even infighting between different flavors of UNIX or Linux has made many tech mag headlines.
While cloud computing comes with the promise of abstracting business users and programmers from underlying technology decisions, these platform wars have still played a significant role in the choice of which cloud computing environment to support.
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Sep 032012
           ______  _     _  ______   _______  ______   _______  _  _  _
          / _____)(_)   (_)(_____ \ (_______)(_____ \ (_______)(_)(_)(_)
         ( (____   _     _  _____) ) _____    _____) ) _______  _  _  _
          \____ \ | |   | ||  __  / |  ___)  |  __  / |  ___  || || || |
          _____) )| |___| || |  \ \ | |      | |  \ \ | |   | || || || |
         (______/  \_____/ |_|   |_||_|      |_|   |_||_|   |_| \_____/
         Surfraw - Shell Users' Revolutionary Front Rage Against the Web

Surfraw stand for: Shell Users’ Revolutionary Front Rage Against the Web and is a funny way to query Search engines and other services on the net from the terminal; well, is funny for people who think that working on the CLI is funny ;), ah and have I told you that Surfraw was originally written by Julian Assange ? yes that one, so it must be a good tools to get information from the net…
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