Jan 142012
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Image via Wikipedia

There has been an impressive change in tools and techniques which writers can use for the good. It is easy to locate one (or more) for individual needs. Whether it is writing a novel, graphics applications or tutorials, these writing tools can serve multipurpose. Writing skills can gain unmatched dimensions on integrating with these advanced techniques. Your love for writing can potentially experience a boost by adapting with the modern applications. You can search one and get many on the internet.

Some of the potentially able writing tools have been summarized here.

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Jan 102012

Afrikaans: Geroosterde pitte van die koffiepla...

Image via Wikipedia

Ever get the urge to build something, and wonder, “How can I make a homemade coffee roaster?” Well, thankfully for us, someone has already thought up the basics. But, then there’s that small question in the back of our brains, “Can I make my Linux laptop control the homemade roaster?” Surprise, surprise! Someone thought that up to, and has put their version public so the technological inclined coffee drinkers can have something to do during winter break.
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Jan 092012

If you manage remote machines you have for sure some way to connect to them, to connect to Unix machines I’m used to open a terminal with my favorite terminal emulator (Terminator in these days), and from there ssh to other servers, for Windows RDP protocol as client i use Remmina (perhaps i’ll talk of it in a future article) and for FTP and SFTP i use Filezilla, but i’ve found recently another interesting software that could change my habitudes: PAC Manager, where PAC stand for Perl/Gtk approach to connections managing.

Ah, and i know that the title it’s in broken English, the phrase it comes from an old videogame.
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Jan 072012

uranosIn the 3 former articles of this series we have saw OCSInventory, Fusion Inventory and GLPI 3 software that can create an asset inventory with your computers hardware and software.

Today we’ll take a look at another software: Uranos (Unattended Resolution in A Nutshell – OS).

Unattended Resolution in A Nutshell – OS is an open source software that will let you perform Asset Management, Monitoring, Software Distribution,Unattended tasks. It’s free for both personal and commercial use and released under GPL license.

The project it’s active and the last version (at the moment of the writing of this post) it’s the 1.1913 released on 22 December 2011

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