May 202011

blueNow, to tell the true this is a semi useful project, the most important aspect it’s the cool factor that it bring. You move away from your PC and it lock, turn off the screen and put in pause your Media player. Than you come back and everything starts again automatically. Cool ? it’s BlueProximity.
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May 192011

I’ve received this introduction from my friend Paolo Proni and i gladly publish it:

From longtime the common opinion about Java is that it is a heavy environment, which requires a powerful hardware and sometimes it seems the power is never enough. It seems that in order to do the same tasks that we could do 10 years ago, even the last generation machines are not enough.

That is simply not true.

The slowness of many Java programs is due to the wrong choices of the software architects, who have given a low priority to the efficiency, preferring the extreme flexibility or the productivity, when it was the case of not concentrating to the delivery time only…
It is a plaisure to discover on the Internet some little jewels, such as the Tini , where a 8 bit microcontroller can run some small Java programs in a decent way.
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May 182011

TurpialIn my post “6 microblogging client for Linux” I’ve received a comment about the software: Turpial.
Turpial is a client for Twitter and (only after the 1.4.X release) based on PyGTK, I’ve tested on my ubuntu 11.04 the version available in the development PPA for Ubuntu and so I’ve made the tests on Twitter and

What I’ve liked of this program from the start it’s his simplicity, integration with the notification area (tested on XFCE) and the acoustic tweets when a new message arrive (but i suspect that in the long run I’d silence that), but now some details.
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May 172011

cheat-sheetFor Wikipedia: A cheat sheet or crib sheet is a concise set of notes used for quick reference. “Cheat sheet” may also be rendered “cheatsheet”.

People working in informatics in general and on unix terminals in particular know that is not so easy remember every single command and so it’s usual to have “Cheat Sheet”, a collection of the most useful commands in a single A4 page for a particular program or environment.

And this is my small collection.
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May 152011

nethogsIn a previous article about 2 programs that you can use to collect network statistics: iptstate and pktstat, on the article I’ve received comments on nethogs and iptraf, and so I’ve tested them.

The goal of both applications is to give to the user information of the actual state of the network, so how much bandwidth is used and which process are using it. Another thing these two programs have in common is that they are text-based programs that you can use within the terminal, so you can use them at home on your desktop or on a server at work. Continue reading »

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