Jan 222013

NEWS: 03- Feb 2013 Sites GetDeb.net, PlayDeb.net and repository up again, from G+

Fortunately, we did have an up-to-date backup of the old server at the end. The last days I was busy to get everything set up. The sites are up again and you should be able to browse the packages (none should be lost) as well as to use the repository as usual. If you have problems be sure that “dig screenshots.getdeb.net” outputs “”


A sad day indeed for many users of the .deb format, 2 of my favourites repositories getdeb and playdeb are now closed forever (?), this is the message posted on G+ by their author:

After the server crash where also the GetDeb and PlayDeb database was lost and given the fact that GetDeb and PlayDeb now have too many packages to be handled as a one-man-project I decided to discontinue GetDeb and PlayDeb.
In the last years I have spent so many hours in the project that now it is just too much for me to maintain beside my usual job.

But this does not mean that all the work in GetDeb and PlayDeb is lost.

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May 142011

mirrorIn this article i’ll show you how to select the best mirror for your favorite distribution.

Debian Netselect-apt is very helpful to find which Debian mirror is the fastest one to download the latest packages or to install ones very quickly.
To install it :

root@localhost:~# apt-get install netselect-apt

This package needs netselect to work successfully. neselect-apt will download the list of Debian mirrors and will ping them in a special manner thanks to the netselect command.


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