Aug 282013

Today I want to present you a commercial application, Symphytum, it’s developed by giowisys and it costs around 9$ (or 6.7 €), but what can do this application for you ?

Symphytum is a personal database software for everyone who desires to manage and organize data in an easy and intuitive way, without having to study complex database languages and software user interfaces.

In fact collecting data is part of our lives, however, organizing information is not always easy, especially without the right tools. While big companies use notable database management systems with advanced functionality and tailored procedures, many people are still using spreadsheets as a database replacement for personal use, because of its simplicity.

Symphytum it’s something much better than a spreadsheet without all the problems that you could have in managing a real database such as Mysql or Postgresql it’s a simple application that can be used to create, design and manage a database with a look similar to the program iDatabase for Mac Osx.

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Aug 252013

Recently I installed a Debian 7 VPS on Linode and as first thing I wanted to do an update of the system, but I found a small problem in doing this :

# apt-get update
0% [Connecting to (2610:148:1f10:3::89)] [Connecting to (2607:ea00:101:3c0b:207:e9ff:fe00:e595)]
Get:1 wheezy Release.gpg [1,672 B]                                                                           
Get:15 wheezy/updates/main Translation-en [56.6 kB]
Fetched 16.3 MB in <strong>4min 0s</strong> (67.5 kB/s)                                                                                                                                     
Reading package lists... Done

So 4 minutes to just update my repositories (and I had just the default for a Debian 7 just installed), this is due to the fact that linode VPS are IPV6 ready and so the servers of this company try to connect to via its IPv6 address by default when running apt-get update, and that results in having to wait for a lengthy timeout whenever you try to download updates of any sort.

But luckily change the system so apt-get will use IPV4 it’s not so hard.
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Aug 242013

I’ve bought this game some humble bundle ago, but I played it last week to test the joypad…and I must admit that I’ve been surprised of the beauty of this little game.

Aquaria is a 2D sidescrolling action-adventure computer game designed by the independent game company Bit Blot, which developed and originally published the game. After more than two years of development, the game was released in 2007 for Windows. A Macintosh port was released in 2008 by Ambrosia Software, and an updated version of the game was released on Steam that same year. A Linux version of the game was released as part of the Humble Indie Bundle collection in 2010. More recently, an Android port of the game was released as part of the Humble Bundle with Android 6 collection in June 2013.

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Aug 222013

I’ve received this press-release from Proxmox, I like their software and I really believe that it can enhance the work of system administrators, and so I’m happy to publish this news about their new release.

What’s Proxvox ?

Proxmox Virtual Environment is a complete open source virtualization management solution for servers. It supports KVM-based guests, as well as container-virtualization with OpenVZ and includes strong high-availability (HA) support based on Redhat Cluster and Corosync. Installation is fast and easy with a bare-metal installer and configuration is done via the integrated web-based management interface. Based on Debian GNU/Linux and fully licensed under the GNU Affero General Public License, Version 3 (AGPL-3.0), Proxmox VE is a solution without restrictions for home and business use.

What’s new in 3.1 release ?

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Aug 212013

Recently I’ve published an article about “DynDNS and ddclient: access your Linux from anywhere“, and some people commented that the services on DynDNS are not free anymore, so this is an alternative by Adam Buchanan first published on his interesting blog

This has nothing to do with search engine marketing, but everything to do with automation. If you’ve ever wanted to host a server at a location that doesn’t have a static IP address then you know just how much of a pain it can be.

Hopefully by the time you read this you’re familiar with what DNS is and what dynamic DNS is. If not, those links should catch you up to speed quick enough. I’ve tried a few different dynamic DNS providers but for the past few years I’ve been using I don’t host this site (of course), but I do host FTP and a few other services that allow me to get to my machines at home where ever I am.

I’m writing this post today because I just happened to have to update my scripts that keep my DNS up to date when my IP changes today.

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